Tuesday, 2 December 2014

Wedding Rituals

                           GANESH PUJA 
This is the first puja of the wedding rituals. Lord Ganesha is invited by offeringbetel nut and a handful of rice grains.  Sweets,clothes and the wedding card is offered to Lord Ganesha ,seeking his blessing for the marriage. 

The bride's friends and female relatives call a bangle seller at home. From which all married women chose green bangles,and the unmarried ones chose colors other than green. The bride is given green bangles interspersed with pearl,gold,silver or diamond bangles. Their is a specific way of wearing the chuda,which the bride's mother guides her. This is called tode. Green color is colored auspicious because it is the color of new life,creativity and rejuvenation. The bride can remove the bangles after one month of the marriage but also has to wear green bangles on all auspicious occasions. 


This is when the actual marriage ceremony begins. This measures the time before the auspicious moment of the marriage. Each falling drop of water counts seconds while the bride gets ready in a yellow or green sari with a half moon painted on her forehead,worships Parvati,the goddess of martial bliss. Meanwhile the groom is honoured by the bride's parents. At this moment a humorous part takes place, the bride with an umbrella and a cloth pouch ,prepares to go on a pilgrimage to Kashi and the would-be- father in law dissuades him to do so and marry his daughter.  

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